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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Asakusabashi and such

First day in Japan I was as fresh as a rotten daisy. The day was spent exploring the area around our hotel, getting tired, falling asleep on the benches in broad daylight, and pretty much killing time until it was time to check-in at the hotel. 

(Background info: we landed at Haneda Airport at 1:00am. Killed time until 7:00am, then made our way to our hotel in Asakusabashi. Arrived at the hotel at 7:30am.Could not check-in until 3:00pm)
This was a shrine behind our hotel. It was pretty early in the morning so it was still quiet and there were hardly any people in sight. I wanted to go inside the shrine and look around but that tiny fence stopped me! Plus there was an ominous feeling because of the quietness. But mostly because of the fence. Just look at it there, mocking me. 

[I could have simply walked around the fence. But I didn't. BEHOLD THE GODLY POWER OF THE FENCE]
Lots of school kids making their way to school. I took plenty of photos of school kids, and I probably looked like a creeper to them.
I'm amazed at how realistic the prop food is! It looks so inviting and delicious, as if beckoning me to go inside and partake in them. I can almost hear them say ''Eat me!'' 
Look at them in the window, mocking me. How dare they.
This was in front of the Bandai building. Several of the Bandai characters stand outside of the building. 


Wednesday, 22 August 2012

LOVE Japan

During my mid year break, I went to Japan! I already want to go back  BUT I'M NOT ALLOWED TO UNTIL I GRADUATE IN 2.5 YEARS

What do I love about Japan? I love the people, the fashion and the girls! and the guys 
There were several occasions where my friends and I were hopelessly lost, but the people were nice and willing to help. Sure, most of the people we interacted with knew little or no English, but I had a very very very basic command of the Japanese language, so we could manage getting around. 

But when it came to conversations, that's when things got hairy...
Like that time I was alone and lost in Sendai, it was a little hard to communicate with this super nice lady whom (who?) was walking with me to where I needed to go <3 
Things like where I came from, what I was doing in Japan and what I studied, I could remember from a beginners Japanese unit I did 2 years ago. But talking about more complex things was more difficult, and so for the duration of the walk it was mostly awkward silence and finding something to talk about that we both knew and understood...awkwardly.

[thank you woman from Sendai, whom (who?) I think your name is Yumiko or Yuriko...I forget...but thanks to you I made it to my gazette concert in time!]

At some music store in Kobe Chinatown.  As soon as I saw the CD, I had to put my JR Pass next to it for comparison. 

FYI the JR Pass is so worth it if you travel a lot. Just pay for the exchange order in your resident country, exchange it for the pass in Japan and then travel around to your heart's content within the designated time! I paid ¥28 300 for the  7 day JR Pass. I travelled quite a fair bit: from Tokyo I went to Sendai then Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Arima Onsen, Hiroshima and Miyajima Island. The trip from Tokyo to Sendai would cost ¥10 190. And then the trip from Sendai to Osaka would cost ¥22 090. It pretty much paid for itself once we hit up the other cities. 
