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Sunday, 17 May 2015

yakushima: food dump etc

 Had dinner at Sushi Wakashio. It was friggin delicious, albeit expensive. The above sushi platter cost 3000円. That being said, I'm glad I ate good sushi,which was made by the old master above. I don't really like raw fish, and eating sushi (of the raw fish kind) back in Perth was a big deterrent. 

The sushi master's wife (who was the wait staff) was also reallllllly nice.
 Curry bread. It was sooooo good! I can't remember the name of the bakery I got it from, but I would imagine this is really popular. Each morning when I go to the bakery (around 8am) there would only be one left.
 From the same bakery, a red bean doughnut. Quite yummy also.

Turtle cookies from Mam's Kitchen. Super good. Sweet, hazelnutty with a savoury aftertaste. I don't recall this being cheap though, about 600-800円 I think?

 Some more monkeys.

I took the Toppy jetfoil to get back to Kagoshima. Super pricy at 18,200円 for 2 people.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Yakushima: Shiratani Unsuikyo

On the second day in Yakushima, I set out to go to Shiratani Unsuikyo, which contained the Princess Mononoke Forest. Actually, the reason why I came to Yakushima was for the Princess Mononoke Forest.

Shiratani Unsuikyo is located about 30 minutes from central Miyanoura. It actually took me longer than that to get there. To get to the entrance, you need to drive up the mountain. As I drove higher and higher up the mountain, the more I freaked out - it got super foggy so that you can't see shit, I forgot my glasses back in Perth (and I need those to drive!), and when you're so high up, it is easy to imagine rolling off the mountain to a horrible, horrible death.


I rented hiking shows for the trek. They make a helluva lot of difference and I swear I could climb the big-ass rocks there at 90°. There was this big-ass rock you had to climb to get to the main path, and I don't know how the girl with the red umbrella managed to do it. She was wearing heels!
 Literally a rainforest. It rained pretty much throughout the whole trek.

 Lunch break! I had to  order these the night before, and Ta-chan drove me there to pick them up in the morning.

 No I did not stab myself with the enclosed toothpick.

From a crap tonne of rain to a crap tonne of hail.

I think the trek was overall only a few hours. I might try a 12 hour hike next time I'm in Yakushima. Who am I kidding, I'd probable die haha.