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Saturday, 26 January 2013


We visited Kobe for a day trip (until the afternoon) from Osaka, at the recommedation of Yakiniku Rokko's Boss-man.

Hara Donuts in Kobe's Chinatown. I'm a bit prejudiced against donuts because they're usually oily and overly sweet. I now regret my decision to not partake in a donut from there, because word on the interwebs is that they are incredibly delicious.
The sign says: 'Today's cat staff'. It's cute that they have profile photos of the cats on duty. I really wanted to go in. But time was limited.

The heart-shaped 'no smoking' symbol is cute and endearing. I'd like to see more 'no smoking' signs like this. Hopefully the relevant government department in Australia can pick up on this.
Afterwards, we stopped by Arima-Onsen for a soak.


  1. Just found your blog today! The photos in this post are lovely <3

    1. I'm happy that you like the photos ^^ Thanks for visiting my blog

  2. Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!
