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Monday, 21 January 2013

Miyajima Island

Off to Miyajima Island!! We had to commute to Hiroshima from Osaka via the bullet train. Which took a few hours. Then we took another train to Miyajima station, and then took the ferry to the island. When you factor in the time taken to commute there and back, I'm a shitty trip planner. Actually, going out and about during this Japan trip was pretty much spontaneous.
Breakfast that day. Cheap, filling, and yummers.
The ferry taking us to Miyajima Island.
Miyajima Island is all about the deer!!
Deer candy I think. There's also chocolate balls that are packaged as 'deer shit'. But I couldn't find them here.
That deer's butt looks like a love-heart.
 In a souvenir shop.
Miyajima Island is famous for it's rice scoops. If I recall, the largest one in the world is on this island.
Soy sauce saucer which looks like a paenis. Cannot unsee.
Ok bye.

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